Deploying changes to projects
Methods and principles for deploying changes to our projects.
Important guiding principles for deploying changes to any of our projects.
A releasable master branch
The master branch of any Git project should always be kept in a releasable state, such that it is safe for anyone to roll out a deployment from the master branch at any point, without specific context about the project in question.
Cautious Fridays
We aim to make releasing as light-weight and risk-free as possible. Therefore, it is fine to release content changes and regular application updates at any time, including Fridays or, if necessary, over the weekend.
However, we should be careful about significant changes to the way in which applications are run, and these riskier changes should only be released between Monday and Thursday. Examples of such changes include:
Changes to the Dockerfile like adding apt packages or updating the Ubuntu version
Changes to the server configuration (e.g. Talisker or NGINX)
Updating the application to integrate with a new service (e.g. consume an API, integrate with Sentry or logstash)
Creating a new webservice
This section will present how to deploy a new service to our instance of Kubernetes.
To deploy a new website you need to be sure that you are not using bower
and the the run script uses the version 1. of Yarn.
Create a dockerfile of your service
To deploy you service to Kubernetes you need to have an image of your project. You can have a look in the Dockerfile of the
Create the Kubernetes configuration
All deployment configurations are saved in the deployment-configs repository. To deploy new services and ingress create a pull request with the website you want to add.
We created a script to automatically create the configuration you need. Clone the deployment-config repository, and run the script create-project
$ git clone
$ cd deployment-configs
$ python create-project {DOMAIN_NAME}
Create jobs on Jenkins
In order to deploy to Kubernetes you will need to create 2 Jenkins jobs on the webteam instance: one for staging and one for production.
Update the apply job:
If you are going to deploy a new site, check that the file
exists in the deployment configs repository -
Go to the staging configuration and production configuration on Jenkins and add this line at the end of both build scripts:
deploy {DOMAIN_NAME}
Create the staging job:
Create a New Item:
Item name: {DOMAIN_NAME}-staging
Copy from (at the bottom the page):
Change those parameters on the configuration page:
General → Github project: insert the Github repository
Source code management → Repositories → Repository URL: insert the GitHub repository
Build: Update the script with the rights values
Create the production job:
Create a New Item:
Item name: {DOMAIN_NAME}-production
Copy from (at the bottom of the page):
Change those parameters on the configuration page:
Build: Update the script with the rights values
Jobs examples
These examples are from the project. Please adapt the scripts before using them:
#!/bin/bash --login
# Bash strict mode
set -euo pipefail
# Settings
export image_name="${GIT_COMMIT}"
# Build docker image
if ${clean}; then ./run clean; fi
./run build
docker build --pull --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY=${HTTPS_PROXY} --build-arg COMMIT_ID=${GIT_COMMIT} --tag ${image_name} .
# Push to registry
docker push ${image_name}
# Deploy the new image
kubectl set image deployment/design-ubuntu-com --namespace staging design-ubuntu-com=${image_name}
# Wait for the deployment to finish
kubectl rollout status deployment/design-ubuntu-com --namespace staging --watch
echo ""
echo "==="
echo "Image: ${image_name}"
echo "Deployed to"
echo ""
echo "To deploy to production, run:"
echo "#####
echo "==="
#!/bin/bash --login
# Bash strict mode
set -euo pipefail
# Settings
export base_image_name=""
# Release the image
kubectl set image deployment/design-ubuntu-com --namespace production design-ubuntu-com=${base_image_name}:${image_tag}
# Wait for the deployment to finish
kubectl rollout status deployment/design-ubuntu-com --namespace production --watch
echo ""
echo "==="
echo "Image: ${base_image_name}:${image_tag}"
echo "Deployed to"
echo "==="
echo ""
echo "Updating ${base_image_name}:latest:"
docker pull ${base_image_name}:${image_tag}
docker tag ${base_image_name}:${image_tag} ${base_image_name}:latest
docker push ${base_image_name}:latest
echo ""
echo "==="
echo "Image: ${base_image_name}:${image_tag}"
echo "Deployed to"
echo "And pushed to ${base_image_name}:latest"
echo "==="
echo ""
First deployment
For the first deployment go on the apply job and update the line you added previously. You need to change the variable TAG_TO_DEPLOY
with the hash of the last commit in the project.
Once this tag is updated you can run the job apply, then staging and if nothing fails production.
If the DNS is not ready yet add a line to your /etc/hosts
with the IP of the Kubernetes instance and your DNS.
Request new certificates
Submit an RT to ask IS to create two new Kubernetes secrets:
“example-ubuntu-com-tls”: A kubernetes secret containing the TLS key, certificate and chainfile for the staging domain (e.g.
“example-ubuntu-com-tls”: A kubernetes secret containing the TLS key, certificate and chainfile for the production domain (e.g.
Request DNS update
Submit an RT to update the DNS to point the new domains at our Kubernetes ingress at
Last updated 11 months ago.