Quick guide to Sites
In this section you can find a general guide for BAU enquiries.
Assigning sprint to Jira tickets
When a copy doc ticket is assigned, you would have to manually assign it to the current sprint. This is important because it will then show up on the Sites Tribe’s Jira board - helping us allocate reviews more efficiently.
Getting reviews
The main source to get code and QA reviews is in the Mattermost ~web-code-review channel. If the ticket is non-trivial, it can be reviewed by anyone in the channel. Otherwise, you can also reach us by pinging @sitesdevs in the channel if needed.
UX and Design reviews are required for certain tasks. The best way to know which reviews are needed is to check the Jira epic of the assigned task to see if there was UX and Design work done. If so, then you should request UX/Design reviews from the assignee of those tasks.
Asset links should be provided in the copy doc, in the case where assets are absent or they do not match the dimensions and quality, you can reach out to the Visual team. The best way to check which member of the team you should reach out to is by going to Jira and see who the assignee for the Visual task was.
Sites team
The Sites team covers a bunch of other components throughout our websites. In the event that you need help for a specific topic, feel free to reach out to any one of us depending on the subject matter. I have included their subject matter of expertise and MM handle.
- Forms, case study, macros – @britneywwc
- Navigation, search modules – @peterfrench
- CVE, Security API – @mptruj
- Blogs, webpages – @immortalcodes
Last updated 3 months ago.