Labels descriptions

In this part you will find a description of all the labels we use on issues.


Label Description
Don’t merge While this label is present this pull request should not be merged
Duplicate This issue already exists
Epic This issue is a ZenHub epic, which is a GitHub issue that points to a list of other Issues. It is uses to support our Agile process
Master Epic This is a master ZenHub epic, or an Epic of Epics


Label Description
Critical Has to be fixed ASAP
High This issue is causing a major regression, restricting functionally
Medium This is not a damaging issue but requires attention in due course
Low Has been confirmed as a nice to have


Each review label has 3 steps:

  • -1: Not approved
  • Needed: needs to get reviewed
  • +1: Approved
Label Description
Code Validation steps of your code
Design Validation steps of your design
QA Validation steps of QA
UX Validation steps of UX
A11y Indicate’s that the author of the change would like someone to perform an A11y specific review of it.


Label Description
Blocked :no_entry: Alerts managers that unblocking it requires their help. Any blocked issue should have a comment explaining what help you need.
Declined :no_entry_sign: Not appropriate or relevant for this project
Released :airplane: This issue/PR has been released to production


Label Description
Question :question: To ask a question about something on the project
Good first issue :beginner: Lets potential contributors know that the issue would be a good one to start with. For example, a typo or grammar error.
Help wanted :izakaya_lantern: Alerts contributors that the assigned person (or if there is none, the team as a whole) would prefer outside help in fixing the problem.
Performance :zap: This issue is related to our Project Fuse, which aims to speed up the site for end users
Breaking change :bomb: This change will break users of earlier versions of the code
Bug :bug: This is a bug that needs fixing
Feature :gift: This change represents a substantial change that users would notice
Maintenance :hammer: This issue is required to keep the site up to date with other code, websites or updates

Last updated 11 months ago.